Santa Claus does exist and he resides in North Georgia

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I am a Christian and I am very proud of my faith. A long time ago before I joined my faith I had given up on Santa Claus. To be honest, I was twelve and I didn't my New Edition cassette until after Christmas, which confirmed my waning faith in the jolly old elf. Anyway...This past week I'm walking around in my neighborhood Publix Supermarket searching for food samples to snack on and some cheap, yet fluffy toilet paper and I walk by this thing. I assume this thing is a blowed up Santa doll so I only glance it, then I do a double take. Oh my goodness! It's him--Chris Kringle. Santa's eyes are so bright blue that when he smiles you can but smile back too. I do a little Irish jig and scare the Publix customers in the process. Flag down a woman on the Pasta aisle to take my picture with Santa. So in two weeks after the pictures come back I will post this picture of me sitting on Santa's lap, so that you can believe for yourself. Santa Claus exists and he lives in North Georgia.



2009 ·Dee Stewart by TNB